Limited liability companies and secrecy
Secrecy is a relative concept. If you think a limited liability companies (LLC) will protect you from a vindictive spouse, cheated business partner or Uncle Sam, you’re mistaken. Continue reading→
Requests for Admission in Housing Court
It’s believed that 90% of tenants in landlord-tenant cases brought in the Housing Courts of the Civil Courts of New York are unrepresented. The reasons are obvious – lawyers aren’t cheap.... Continue reading→
Limited Liability Companies and Diversity Jurisdiction
If you’re a defendant and the plaintiff is a limited liability company and you get dragged into federal court based on diversity jurisdiction (28 U.S.C. § 1332), make sure you’re not... Continue reading→
Cell phone subpoena part 3
The final component of a cell phone subpoena is federal Form AO 88B. This is an official federal court form that you have to include when serving the subpoena. Page... Continue reading→
Landlord v. Bernard Goetz
I’m representing Bernie Goetz in an eviction case brought by his landlord, Courtney House, LLC. They claim Bernie has a squirrel or rat or something and that he has to... Continue reading→
Cell phone subpoena – Specific Requests
A cell phone subpoena has multiple components. In the first post related to this topic, I provided the cover letter to the wireless provider and the “Notice of Subpoena Duces Tecum…” Continue reading→
Serve a subpoena to get cell phone records
every single theme and option, it would give me a good excuse to never produce or write anything. My goal here is to write things and provide documents that may... Continue reading→